Heavy Rotation: Levon Vincent, “Silent Cities”

ベルリンを拠点に活動する音響ハウスの重鎮、Levon Vincentが今年リリースした新作アルバム『Silent Cities』の聴き逃しレビューです。

Covid-19の蔓延に伴うロックダウンにより「沈黙」した街(ベルリン)をテーマにした今作は、Levon Vincentのダンスリリースとは打って変わって、低速のBPMを使いながら当時の街の雰囲気や人々の心情を描き出します。またカセットのフォーマットにこだわりを持って作られ、クラブではなく、家の中のステレオスピーカーや、ヘッドフォンをしながらこのアルバムをサウンドトラックに街を歩き回って欲しいとのこと。

特有の音階を用いてさまざまなムードを展開する”Silent Cities”。”Gattaca”の止めどなく走るハイハットとドラマチックなピアノリフは映画のワンシーンのようだし、”Birds”は不穏をとことん煽ってくる。”Wolves”や表題曲など長尺な曲も、美しいムードピースとして機能し、リスナーを飽きさせることがありません。

『Silent Cities』はBandcampより購入可能です。

"Silent Cities," the new album released this year by Berlin-based producer Levon Vincent is triumph of an album. Not only it soundtracks our inner and external minds during pandemic, but it also offers a beautiful cinematic experience of the time.

Themed around a city (Berlin) that was "silenced" by the lockdown following the spread of Covid-19, the album is a departure from Levon Vincent's regular dance releases. Using slow BPMs to depict the atmosphere of the city and the feelings of its people at the time, the album was made with a particular focus on the cassette format, therefore this album is meant to be listened to with home stereo speakers or headphones on, wandering around the city.

“Silent Cities" uses a specific scale designed by Vincent himself. which helps to create a variety of moods. " Gattaca" is like a scene out of a movie with its endless hi-hats and dramatic piano riffs, while "Birds" is gives the feeling of unrest. Longer songs, such as "Wolves" and the title track, function as beautiful mood pieces. I’ve been a fan of his music since his first so I am so happy that I can indulge in this this year :)

You can now purchase “Silent Cities” on the artist’s bandcamp.


Heavy Rotation: MARIANA INGOLD, “Todo Depende”


【特集】Primavera Sound 2022で発見したお勧めアーティスト3選