Heavy Rotation: Wilder Maker, “Male Models”

今回の聞き逃しレビューはニューヨークのオルタナティブフォークロック、Wilder Makerの新作『Male Models』です。

以前レビューしたシングル”Letter of Apology”を含む今作は、アナログな質感を持つロックミュージックが展開されており、Dirty ProjectorsやMutual Benefitsのメンバーなど、バラエティに富んだゲストが参加しているのも特徴です。Wilcoを彷彿とさせるグッドメロディのアメリカーナから、ヴェルヴェットアンダーグラウンドのようなざらつきのあるオルタナティブロックまで、いきいきとした音楽を聴かせてくれます。

Wilder Makerの新作『Male Models』はBandcampから試聴・購入可能です。

I have been a fan of the NYC band Wilder Maker for a while now. The lead singer Gabriel Birnbaum’s beautiful solo instrumental album was a nice breather during Covid lockdown, which made me feel less alone at home. So when they announced the new album, I was pretty stoked. And it did not disappoint.

“Male Models’ hosts a wide variety of guests, including members of Dirty Projectors and Mutual Benefits. Often times they take the center mic. It feels a bit like the listeners are attending in the music festival curated by the band, which reminded me of the Scorsese directed “Last Waltz’, a concert film by the Band. Just like Last Waltz, “Male Models” feels like a pure celebration of music, in which we all sing along, dance, and simply be immersed.

Stream/Purchase “Male Models” from Bandcamp.


ドイツの老舗音楽ブログ TONSPION にプレイリストを作りました


Features: Daniels