Listen: Westerman, “Idol; RE-run”

ソフトなエレクトロサウンドとフォークの要素を組み合わせるロンドンのソングライター、Westermanが新曲”Idol; Re-run”をリリース。Big ThiefのJames Krivcheniaと共有プロデュースした今曲。風通りの良いドラムとトロンボーンが気持ち良く、牧歌的で清々しいフォークサウンドの中に、元アメリカ大統領をテーマにした辛辣な歌詞を、優しく歌い上げます。70年代のサイケデリックフォークも彷彿とさせる、グッドミュージックです。

London songwriter Westerman plays music people have seem to have forgotten about. The kind of music that sounds familiar, soothing but also with a little bit of quirk. His brilliant last album Your Hero Is Not Dead mixed soft synthethized sounds with folk sensibilities. Now after two years hiatus, he released a new track, "Idol; Re-run", co produced with Big Thief's James Krivchenia. The song is a pastoral, plaintive folk song with airy drums and cotton candy trombones. Despite of the feel-good melodies he hits hard on the lyrical subject; the ex US president, Donald Trump. Listen below.


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